Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Who were the Essenes Summarize at least three ways in which Essene Essay

Who were the Essenes Summarize at least three ways in which Essene practice and belief may have influenced Christianity - Essay Example e Essenes were an important group because they flourished and shared some views with other groups of the same time such as early rabbinic Jews and Christians ». Therefore, this means that certain views and beliefs produced profound effect on Christianity on the early stages of its development. First of all, the core belief shared by the members of Essene brotherhood was the idea of messianism, i.e. upcoming arrival of the Messiah. According to the Dead Seas Scrolls, Essenes can be called the religious community, in which the idea of messianism flourished (Patella). This sect was against any weapons, though they would carry it only as a means of protection against robbers and were ready to use it only in struggle against the forces of evil, when the Messiah would come to rescue the God’s people. Impact of these beliefs can be traced in foundations of the New Testament Christianity, as the idea of Jesus Christ as a messiah who came to redeem all sins of people is in the core of Christian belief. Secondly, the form of organization practiced by the Essenes can be paralleled to that of the early Christian church. The community was ruled by the collegium consisting of 12 priests. Later, in the apostolic period, the church was headed by the twelve apostles. The structure of Essene sect incorporated bishops, priests, churches, gospels, disciples etc. – church hierarchy and organization probably inspired that of Christianity, along with the way of Holy Scriptures’ allegorical interpretation. This statements seems especially plausible, as Essenes existed long before the dawn of the New Testament Christianity. Thirdly, there is a considerable number of customs and traditions that seem to be borrowed by early Christianity from the Essenes. For example, the latter lived in communities, rejected money, served each other and mainly observed celibacy – these features can be easily traced in monastic rules of Christian church. The principles guiding their lifestyle must

Monday, October 28, 2019

Euros right Essay Example for Free

Euros right Essay The radical right refers to parties with two basic characteristics. To begin with their perception of the nation is more ethnic than anything else and consequently they aim at defending the country from any possible external threats (Art, 2007, Pp 332). Right-wing parties are also populist in nature due to the fact that their political strategy involves attacking the government of the day and generally aims at tapping into the frustrations, insecurities and fears the regular citizen may have (Art, 2007 Pp 332). They are right-wing because of their opposition of socialism and more restrictive policies on immigration. They are different from the far right because they support welfare programs, rights of gay people, freedom of expression, gender equality and separation of church and state. The parties’ ideology is such that they present themselves as the guardians and protectors of liberal ideas that are traditional (Akkerman, 2005 Pp 337-354) Radical right wing populist gained its first significant successes with the appearance of the French National Front and British national party in the 1980s. James Schwarzenbach of Switzerland pioneered this trend in ideology in the beginning of the 1970s. The Front National rose in France in 1983, scoring approximately above 155 of the votes in regional elections and gaining 35 seats in the legislative election of 1986. Its support had reached a peak by 1997 at more than 14% but the support later dropped to 4% (www. stanford. edu/group/SHR/s-2/patton. html). The support of the Republicans in the European parliament decreased with a swing that favored the far right National Democratic Party of Germany. The party held a 1. 6% vote majority garnering up to an estimate 9% of the regional votes. (Jesuit and Mahler, 2004 pp25) The situation in Switzerland is slightly different. When the popularity of the Swiss Democrats and the Swiss Freedom Party grew in the 1990s they were absorbed by the Swiss People’s Party. The Swiss Party had an assertive campaign which was mainly right-wing and populist. The campaign enabled the party to acquire an estimated 28. 5% of the popular vote in 2007. The Austrian Freedom Party, another right wing party in Western Europe had great success in 1999 and formed a coalition government. The List Pim Fortuyn also formed a coalition government in 2002 and in Scandinavia the Danish People’s Party, the rightwing party has had various small successes. Jesuit and Mahler, 2004 pp26-27). The success of the right-wing political parties can be attributed to several factors. Among these are immigration, economic distress (usually levels of unemployment are used); social welfare state polices, weakening of established part systems and the proportionality of the electoral system. The support for Right wing political parties has been argued to arise from the fact that there is an increase in the multi-culturalization of the societies of west-European. In response to this, most voters have opted to support right-wing parties due to the fear of loss of a national identity as the ideology of right wing parties is against immigration. Another side to this immigration argument is that when there are high levels of immigration high unemployment levels result. This has the effect of making immigration undesirable hence increasing support for right wing parties. Another issue associated with immigration is an increase in crime which serves to make immigration even more undesirable. In effect, a high immigration rate has a favorable effect on the electoral process for the right wing parties when the economic situation is negative (Jesuit and Mahler, 2004, Pp 5). A study by Elisabeth Ivarsflaten found that the right wing parties that were successful in preceding elections; the Swiss SVP, Dutch LPF, the Front National of France had successful grievance models addressing the immigration crisis. The Austrian FPO had least success in mobilizing grievances about immigration policy and was consequently the least successful in the electoral process (Ivarsflaten, 2006, Pp17). The successful parties were more successful compared to the parties of the left which did not mobilize grievances about immigration policies. According to the study other grievance models such as economic grievance models and political elitist grievance models did not have much success in drawing voters to the right populist parties (Ivarsflaten, 2006 Pp 1-2). The radical right wing parties by focusing on a politics of resentment have capitalized on the sense of frustration by most blue-collar workers, the unemployed, less-educated and the retired and younger voters to garner support for their parties. The socially disadvantaged are more likely to blame ethnic minorities for the deterioration of conditions and to support protection of the culture while the criticizing the government (Norris, 2005, Pp 5). A five-nation comparison study found that professionals and white-collar employees have consistent under-representation in the right wing parties (Norris, 2005 Pp 6) The interaction between existing major political parties and right wing political parties facilitated by an open coalition market has contributed to the success and stability of the right wing populist parties significantly. Other political parties have had the effect of empowering the right wing populist parties by cooperating with them or being agnostic to the far right, right wing parties. Cooperation has led to increased legitimacy of the populist parties making the process of voter recruitment easier and thus increasing their support. In addition upon becoming legitimate, political entrepreneurs are drawn to the populist parties making them into a more permanent force within the party system (Art, 2005, Pp 332). This is evident from the success of the Austrian Freedom Part (FPO). The FPO formed a coalition with the conservative Austrian People’s Party (OVP) in 2000. In Austria other factors like support by the media contributed to the FPO’s support and eventually stability in the country. The Krone, Austria’s largest newspaper provided Jorg Haider with a sort of free advertising and at a time when the FPO suffered political setbacks the Krone was a significant ally. Haider received favorable commentaries and the editorials lauded him in a big way. The effect of Krone’s campaign was notable fro the state elections of 1991 which resulted in FPO winning about 22. percent of the vote. This was despite the fact that Heider had been dismissed following a comment that the Third Reich’s employment policies were better than those of the government at the time. Many thought that Heider’s political career was over but the Krone came to the rescue with the editorial staff defending his comments so much that Krone received letters from the public defending Heider or lauding the editor’s (Nimmerichter) commentaries on the issues (Art, 2005, Pp 342-343). The media thus has large political might as far as shaping the attitude of readers is concerned. By bombarding readers with unambiguous messages, the direction that voters take can be influenced especially by those papers that have large circulation rats such as the Krone in Austria. Radical right-wing involvement in coalition governments is one of the factors that are sustaining most right wing political parties. Many right wing parties are now participating in government leading to a sort of convergence towards the middle and also altering the policies of various main politic parties. Following the legislative election of 2004 the Danish People’s part helped to form a coalition government in which it got recognition as a support party for the Liberal-Conservative government. This has led to the party functioning as the main coalition partner for the government in daily politics. The Danish People’s Party received five chairmanships and six vice-chairmanships of committees in parliament. In addition, reform packages that made immigration policy were part of the benefits for the Danish People’s party (Rydgren, 2006, pp8). The political discourse between rights wing political parties and the center-right is increasing in many countries with the aim of securing wins and ensuring that office is not lost to the left. Participation of right wing political parties is exemplified in the case of Austria where the FPO ahs made deals with both the SPO and the OVP. The strategy of the main central right parties is to tame the right wing by including them in government. The Grand coalition of the OVP and SPO actually started implementing some of the FPO policies before the party (FPO) began to participate in the coalition government. This was an attempt by the OVP and SPO to reduce the attraction of the FPO by taking the initiative to act before FPO could do so. This however worked against them because Heider continued to increase his demands whenever the government came close to meeting them. For instance, the government implemented a policy that focused on integration of the already existing immigrants by Heider, put in new demands of repatriation (Bale, Pp 76-77). In Italy, the right wing populist party, the Lega Nord was also involved in a coalition government with Forza Italia. The Movement Sociale Italiano (MSI) was successfully turned into the Alleanza Nationale (AN) as Gianfranco Fini made an attempt at convergence so that the far right could be brought in from the cold. (Bale, 2003 pp 78). Again, Fini’s attempt was supported with the aim of making the coalition party more likely to win the elections. There is also the element of taming the right-wing political party as claimed by Silvio Berlusconi. The effect this had on Fini’s party is that the party moved beyond fascism leaving the Lega Nord as the main party concerned with immigrant- bashing (bale, Pp 78). It should also be noted that the coalition had the effect of influencing Berlusconi’s statements on immigration for example he suggested that police could be allowed to shoot ‘scafisti’ and speedboats that provided transportation means for illegal immigrants. This shows that to some degree the coalition influenced immigration policy or the thoughts on immigration policy of politicians in other parties. The Netherlands has had a continued cross-consensus among central-right parties and the right wing populist parties. This has led to the tightening of immigration and asylum regime of Netherlands over the years. This however may not be attributed to the effect of right populist parties because the Dutch centre-right has not been very encouraging of discussion with the right wing parties. This however, can be explained by the fact that the far-right parties were not as isolated as implied by moist international media sources hence heir views were not entirely unwelcome or seen as extreme. In addition, the politicians in the centre-right were not as tolerant of immigrants and progressive as presented by the foreign media. As such tightening immigration rules was acceptable to both the centre-right and populist parties. To avoid loss of support from following economic and social policies that reflect a centrist image most coalition governments are lived up to their campaign pledges and promises. In Denmark, the immigration laws were made tighter by putting stricter criteria for acceptance, increasing the period of waiting for the residency, making it more difficult for a foreigner to bring in a spouse and making it easier for the spouse to leave following a divorce. The benefits for those waiting were also reduced. The support by the public though not unanimous was high. The changes were also accompanied by reductions in public spending on the budgets leading to increased criticism from the centrist voters. (Bale, 2003 pp 79-80) In Austria, the FPO integration contract was unopposed by OVP. The contracts made integration harder, it basically required nationals of other countries (except European Union nationals) to pay for language courses and citizenship failure to which would lead to fines and deportation. This reform agenda also had on its list privatization, reduction of expenditure on welfare, education and health with an increase of expenditure on law and order budgets. The Italian right wing government has kept its promise of immigration policy but was met with much criticism from businesses due to decrease in availability of labor. Consequently Berlusconi allowed his right-wing partners to take the credit for the decline in crime apparently attributed to stricter laws on foreigners, so they could also take the rap for the market-labor issues brought about by the tougher laws on immigration. The effect of the short-lived coalition government of the CDA with the right-wing LPF also resulted in tougher laws on foreigners with requirements for payment for language classes and laws that made it difficult for the foreigners to be united with their spouses. A coalition agreement of June 2002 also announced the plans of the government to pursue illegal immigrants with the aim of damping down on businesses that employed them (Bale, 2003, pp 79-81). Generally the ride and stay of the right wing parties to power has led to a revision of immigration policies in those countries where the populist parties have been successful. The populist parties by their participation and activities in government have lead to increase in the legitimacy of the ideology of these right wing parties. In addition the center-right has given greater salience to the issues campaigned for by the far-right. This is because of the effect the mainstream center-right has on the media; their capacity at agenda-setting contributes to bringing the issues to the forefront. The center-right inclusion of right-wing parties in government has led to wins against the far-left. Voters who would have voted for the far-left are attracted to the ideology of the right wing populists. Though the right-wing has made much progress, their future is bleak. This is because of the fact that the programs of these parties is not in line with capitalism which is the main force behind globalization. For the economy of European countries to grow labor has to be exported because the continent generally has an aging population. This means that immigration is necessary and because the right wing parties do not oppose capitalism, they are likely to agree to demands of the business community concerning immigration causing them to implement policies that they were against, leading to loss of their populist appeal. Globalization is a greater force to deal with which cannot be challenged by nationalistic politics. The pressure of opposition to right wing politics is evidence that politics is not moving to the right only. When Le pen was successful in France, many youth took to the streets to protest against the National Front: far left candidates won about 10 percent of the popular vote in the first round of the elections and also in countries like Sweden and Germany the right-wing movement has been mainly unsuccessful. These factors will serve to temper the progress and prevalence of right-wing politics.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay -- Song of

The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Our culture seems to be fascinated by the unknown and specifically that which pertains to things of an eternal nature such as Heaven, angels, God and the meaning of forever. These things cause us to think about what we can't see and even allow us to engage ourselves in questioning the meaning behind our existence and what our purpose is here on earth. Some of these may be humorous and take on the realities of human nature while others stir something inside ourselves that cause us to take a deeper look at life. In Whitman's "Song of Myself" #44, he appears to be doing just that-- looking at life from a different perspective for a while. He begins with a challenge to mankind by saying, "What is known I strip away... I launch all men and women forward with me into the unknown. The clock indicates the moment ... but what does eternity indicate?" (1133-1136) It is as though he is asking each reader to join him in the exploration of the unknown, forgetting about the moment, and what the clock says and really considering what forever signifies. I don't know if you've ever sat down and actually thought about eternity... I mean really thought about it to the point that your brain seems like it's going to explode, but forever is a long time. It never ends...... and this is something that we as humans cannot fathom because in our lives everything has a beginning and everything has an end--anything other than this is viewed as incomprehensible. Whitman suggests that there is a certain cycle which keeps repeating itself as the years go on, indicating that perhaps eternity is made up of years of processes happening over and over again. His first example is of a bottom... ...rces" have combined, the end product is your soul. Whitman appears to have a sense of security in himself, being able to recognize where he came from ("Before I was born out of my mother generations guided me" 1163) and knowing that his life is a collaboration of efforts on many parts to make him who he is. Eventually, this would seem to indicate that it is the completion of one's soul which leads to ultimate satisfaction. Our lives will eventually lead to an eternity...and it is crucial that we take the time to evaluate our soul's future as well as its current status. Whitman clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at life as a whole and not just the moment. Through a biographical narrative of parts of his own life, urges us look at where we've been and all we've been through...look at all those who have impacted our life and realize the big picture. The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Essay -- Song of The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Our culture seems to be fascinated by the unknown and specifically that which pertains to things of an eternal nature such as Heaven, angels, God and the meaning of forever. These things cause us to think about what we can't see and even allow us to engage ourselves in questioning the meaning behind our existence and what our purpose is here on earth. Some of these may be humorous and take on the realities of human nature while others stir something inside ourselves that cause us to take a deeper look at life. In Whitman's "Song of Myself" #44, he appears to be doing just that-- looking at life from a different perspective for a while. He begins with a challenge to mankind by saying, "What is known I strip away... I launch all men and women forward with me into the unknown. The clock indicates the moment ... but what does eternity indicate?" (1133-1136) It is as though he is asking each reader to join him in the exploration of the unknown, forgetting about the moment, and what the clock says and really considering what forever signifies. I don't know if you've ever sat down and actually thought about eternity... I mean really thought about it to the point that your brain seems like it's going to explode, but forever is a long time. It never ends...... and this is something that we as humans cannot fathom because in our lives everything has a beginning and everything has an end--anything other than this is viewed as incomprehensible. Whitman suggests that there is a certain cycle which keeps repeating itself as the years go on, indicating that perhaps eternity is made up of years of processes happening over and over again. His first example is of a bottom... ...rces" have combined, the end product is your soul. Whitman appears to have a sense of security in himself, being able to recognize where he came from ("Before I was born out of my mother generations guided me" 1163) and knowing that his life is a collaboration of efforts on many parts to make him who he is. Eventually, this would seem to indicate that it is the completion of one's soul which leads to ultimate satisfaction. Our lives will eventually lead to an eternity...and it is crucial that we take the time to evaluate our soul's future as well as its current status. Whitman clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at life as a whole and not just the moment. Through a biographical narrative of parts of his own life, urges us look at where we've been and all we've been through...look at all those who have impacted our life and realize the big picture.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Can We Reduce the Rate of Juvenile Crime and Violence? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

â€Å"Palm Beach County, Fla. -- On May 26, 2000, 13-year-old Nathaniel Brazill shot his teacher, Barry Grunow, with a .25 caliber handgun in school. Palm Beach County prosecutors tried Brazill as an adult for first degree murder. The jury found Brazill guilty of second-degree murder and the judge sentenced him to 28 years in an adult facility. After his release, Brazill will face two years of house arrest and five years of probation.† (Klug) Does this sentence seem too harsh, or perhaps too lenient? Without knowing all of the details involved in the case, it may be harder to decide what would be the best thing to do with 13-year-old Brazill. What specific details would a person need to know in order to sentence him properly? Has he ever done this before? What were his motives? Is he from a rough neighborhood, living in a bad family situation? Maybe all of these things don’t matter in determining Brazill’s sentence, and he should just be punished according to his crime. If you’re having a hard time deciding, you’re not alone. Since the juvenile court’s introduction in 1899, there have been debates over whether or not the court is effective in treating juveniles. Brazill’s case demonstrates the view that the juvenile court is not working, or is not sufficient to deal with cases as serious as Brazill’s. This is evident in the fact that he was sent to adult court as a 13-year-old as opposed to being tried in the juvenile court. The recent shift toward trying more juveniles as adults is a plain indicator that the juvenile justice system is not working. No one will disagree with that. However, people will disagree on what the system is supposed to be doing in the first place, and how we as a nation should go about fixing it. There are many different approaches to how juveniles should be dealt with, and each approach is extremely complex. One of the main factors that causes the complexity is that with each approach comes certain doctrines on the differences between juveniles and adults.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Light Bulbs Research Argument

Research Argument Essay In today’s world, people are more concerned about saving the environment than they have been in the past, and the choices that they make today about the light bulbs in their homes can play an important role in the future of the environment. Light bulbs are an every day object in homes across the World today and range from the less energy efficient incandescent light bulbs (normal light bulbs), the more energy efficient compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, and the most energy efficient light emitting diode (LED) bulbs. In order to help save the environment people need to make the change to energy efficient lighting, which will also help them save money, and even though they need to be recycled, the process is easy. With all the talk about being â€Å"green†, as stated by Carolyn Milton, â€Å"for the new year I'm going to be more green conscientious,† making the simple change of a light bulb could be a good solution. Most American’s always talk about trying to save the environment and reduce emissions so they spend thousands of dollars to buy electric and hybrid cars, when if they would simply change out their outdated light bulbs they could make an even greater impact on reducing greenhouse-gases. As stated by Caplan, â€Å"Electric lighting currently accounts for 19% of the world’s electricity use, pumping as much greenhouse-gas pollution into the atmosphere ever year as half the world’s cars. In the debate about the deteriorating environment, power plants have always been referred to as a source of the world’s issues, but by making the switch to energy efficient light bulbs people can help reduce the amount of power plants, â€Å"Replacing a single incandescent bulb with a CFL will keep a half-ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere over the life of the bulb. If everyone in the U. S. used energy-efficient lighting, we could retire 90 average size power plants. Saving ele ctricity reduces CO2 emissions, sulfur oxide and high-level nuclear waste† (Energy Efficient Lighting). Energy efficient light bulbs save money by not only helping the environment but they can also leave more money in people’s wallets in the tough times of today. â€Å"An ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months† (Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs for Consumers). People like to save energy, not only for the environment, but also because it can help save them money in the long run, â€Å"I would try any one that would use less energy,† Lacy Broughton. If a person switches to energy efficient light bulbs they will notice the difference in the price of their electricity bill because energy efficient light bulbs use less watts, â€Å"A single 18 watt CFL used in place of a 75 watt incandescent will save about 570 kWh over its lifetime. At 8 cents per kWh, that equates to a $45 savings† (Energy Efficient Lighting). By using energy efficient light bulbs you can also save money by not having to be inconvenienced in constantly having to change out and buy new light bulbs all the time, â€Å"Compact fluorescent bulbs have a higher lifespan as compared to incandescent light bulbs. They have a lifespan which ranges from 6,000 to 15,000 hours. This presents a definite contrast to the 750 hours to 1,000 hours that make up the life span of an incandescent bulb† (Dahne). The most common energy efficient light bulbs are the CFLs, which contain mercury and have to be recycled and disposed of properly when no longer in use. Some people avoid making the switch to energy efficient light bulbs because of the dangers that could come with mercury, but in reality, â€Å"A power plant will emit 10mg of mercury to produce the electricity to run an incandescent bulb compared to only 2. mg of mercury to run a CFL for the same time† (Energy Efficient Lighting). Disposing of CFLs is easier than people would like to admit since, â€Å"Burned out CFLs can be dropped off at Home Depot and Ikea stores† (Energy Efficient Lighting). If the mercury in CFL light bulbs is still concerning then people can always switch to LED lights, â€Å"that last five to 10 times as long as CFLs, contain no mercury and use far less energy† (Caplan). If every American home replaced just one light bulb with and ENERGY STAR qualified bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year† (Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs for Consumers). There are many choices for energy efficient light bulbs, some with mercury and some without, but overall all will help save the environment and save people their money. Saving the environment will not only help the lives of people living today, but will help the lives of all the people living for generations to come, so switch to energy efficient light bulbs and help save the world. Works Cited Broughton, Lacy. Discussion Interview. 1 November 2009. Caplan, Jeremy â€Å"Better Bulbs. † Time 174. 4 (2009): 54. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Oct. 2009. â€Å"Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs for Consumers. † Energystar. gov. Energy Star. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. . Dahne, Tom. â€Å"Learn all About Fluorescent Bulbs. † Psychicarticles. co. uk. Psychic Articles, 03 Oct. 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. . â€Å"Energy Efficient Lighting. † Eartheasy. com. Eartheasy. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. . Milton, Carolyn. Discussion Interview. 5 November 2009.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rome Italy essays

Rome Italy essays I had learned I was being sent to Italy in March of 2000 for a machine tool exhibition. I found out the happy news just before leaving work. Excitedly I jumped into my car and started my journey home. As I drove home down I-95 through all of the usual evening traffic I just kept thinking about ho I was going to tell my husband we were going to Italy. That night I continuously paced the floor looking out of my bedroom window to see if my husband was home from work yet. As he drove up in our driveway I ran outside to tell him the good news. I said, Nick guess where we are going in March? Before he could even say where I yelled out Italy! Italy, he said with a puzzled look on his face. I then explained the situation with work and said to him since if I have the opportunity to go I thought it would be a great idea for you to come along with me. I suggested scheduled some time before the show for the two of us to travel around Rome. Later that night it was settled we would sched ule a couple of days to tour Rome before the exhibition. It seemed like forever before we would finally be on our way, but then before I knew it we were on the airplane and the flight attendant is announcing fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing into Leonardo da Vinci airport. After arriving at the airport we had to transfer to a train that would take us to the city center. It was about a 30-minute train ride. Along the ride I was getting my first look at Rome, mostly the colorful countryside with the rows of sunflowers that were so splendid with bright yellow centers, and green leaves that were so full of life. Just pass the beautiful field of sunflowers was a small farmhouse made of stone. You could see the smoke coming out of the chimney and the farmers working their land. Upon arriving at the main train station, Stazione Termini in Italian, the excitement was building I c ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity

How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity Jane Harkness is a freelance writer for Freedom. Freedom blocks distracting websites and apps across your devices so you can focus on what matters most.It’s easy to assume that multitasking will allow you to do double the work in half the time - after all, if you’re doing two things at once, your productivity must skyrocket, right?Not quite. Unfortunately, while we may feel that our productivity increases when we multitask, practical results and countless studies tell us otherwise.When you multitask, you’re not working on two tasks at the same time - you’re actually rapidly switching between tasks without giving your brain the time it really needs to completely focus on each one. Bouncing from one task to another and back again results in â€Å"attention residue,† clouding your concentration. Learn how to monotask your way to writing productivity âÅ"… Multitasking: a habit to breakIn our age of digital distractions, it’s tough to avoid multitasking, and many of us have made it a habit. Pausing your writing session to check your email, looking at a text in the middle of a paragraph, or talking on the phone with a freelance client while researching a separate project all qualify as multitasking.But because these tasks seem so basic and unavoidable, we rarely stop to consider that this could be having an impact on the quality of our work or our productivity.Multitasking and switching between screens can make you feel more productive in the moment, but in the long run, it’s eating up time that you could  be spending on your hobbies, creative projects, or relaxing with family and friends.If you want to step up your performance and reclaim your time to have more opportunities to do what you love, it’s time to say goodbye to multitasking and get familiar with the concept of â€Å"deep work† and the practice of monotasking.Have you ever tried monotasking? If not, will you try it now? Tell us in the comments below.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Environmental Factors Shaping PepsiCos Marketing Essay Example

Environmental Factors Shaping PepsiCos Marketing Essay Example Environmental Factors Shaping PepsiCos Marketing Paper Environmental Factors Shaping PepsiCos Marketing Paper This paper will review the article, identify environmental factors that shape the organization and impact marketing decisions, and discuss how technology plays a role in those decisions. Alternatives to Ackermann view of social responsibility to the companys marketing decisions and activities will be analyzed, along with explanations of how ethical issues can make an impact. The accuracy of the articles forecasts will be reviewed and further supportive references to conclusions made will be gathered, if necessary. Global and Domestic Factors Several macro-environmental factors shape the PepsiCo Corporation and impact marketing decisions. Demographics, economic climate, ecological and lattice issues, technology, and cultural concerns all affect where the company is headed desires and the decisions the company makes. Each issue affects the company differently, but when combined together, the environmental factors can wreak havoc on a companys bottom line if not addressed appropriately. On the other hand, if a company has the ability to recognize these factors, can address them, and be prepared to think on its feet, then the factors can be used to the companys advantage. The Ackerman article discusses PepsiCo investment into the Chinese market. When it comes to the environmental factors, Pepsi must adjust its marketing strategy to fit the audience rather than trying to fit the audience to its strategy. For example, current demographics in the United States reflects an aging population as the nations Baby Boomers are now reaching retirement age with most of them having grown up with Pepsi and Coca- Cola. 12. 5% of the U. S. Population is over the age of 65, compared to China, where only 7. % of the population is over age 65 (Monasteries, 2009). According to Ackerman (2008), Pepsi plans to invest $1. 0 billion into the Chinese markets, which is significant considering that currently the worlds economy is relatively poor. The author believes that the plan to invest in the Chinese market is optimistic and that the company faces the challenge Of slow growth in China, a decline in U. S. Sales and the impact of the stronger dollar on international sales (Ac kerman, 2008, Para. 2). How wise is the decision to invest in a country during a period of world economic decline? Pepsi made similar ventures in the Eastern European and Russian regions that proved to be profitable. According to Jonathan Fenny, a Wichita Capital Markets analyst, Pepsins strategy is to build platforms ahead of demand to some extent and continuing to support platforms even during times of economic weakness (Ackerman, 2008, par a. 5). Success is not guaranteed in the Chinese market, but if Pepsi has been able to achieve positive demand for its products in the past in other challenging markets, the company just might be able to drive growth in this market as well. Technology Another example that affects PepsiCo is technology. Technological advancements are happening at a faster pace than ever in the 21 SST century ND companies must be ready to take advantage of them or be left behind. Advertising decisions must be made with technology in mind, such as making use of electronic billboards vs.. The old standards, which can appeal to PepsiCo technologically savvy target audience in China youth and young adults. The money that Pepsi plans to invest will also Ana able the company to develop new products and expand local research and development efforts. In order to cater to the Chinese audience, technology plays a role in developing products due to the use of computers and other equipment. Comparing Views Social responsibility and ethics Ackerman (2008). Seems to believe that PepsiCo move to invest heavily in the Chinese market can appear to be bullish, yet optimistic. The author points out negatives concerning the venture, such as the value of the dollar in the market, economic downturns and sinking financial profit reports. However, perception of the authors view of the companys social responsibility is high, since she States that investing in China will create new employment opportunities due to expansion of R D facilities, manufacturing opacity and sales force. Thousands of new jobs are expected to be created in China because of the investments (Ackerman, 2008, Para. 11). Ethically speaking , providing employment to the unemployed, especially in poor regions, will increase quality of life for the Chinese, while at the same time, increasing revenue as more people are able to afford to purchase Pepsi products. Not only that, Ackerman states that the company is business driven, which typically suggests a business model where a company takes ethics into mind. Since Pepsi has been able to invest in global markets, rated jobs and improved quality of life standards in the past, the company shows that it holds to an ethical guideline by striving to repeat success in new global markets. Another view of Pepsins social responsibility and ethical stance by Michael seem proves to be positive as well. The article covers Pepsins CEO Indri Annoy, her personal views and her vision and goals for the Pepsi Corporations future (Seem, 2008). Taking into consideration the struggles with obesity that the United States faces, Annoy convinced the company to sell Pizza Hut, KEF and Taco Bell in 1 997, acquired the Tropical many in 1998 and helped engineer a $14 billion takeover of Quaker Oats, maker of Storage in 2001 in order to be able to offer healthy alternatives to PepsiCo consumers (Seem, 2008). Annoy and PepsiCo have pledged by 201 0 that half of the firms revenue will come from healthful products and that the company will eschew fossil fuels in favor of wind and solar (Seem, 2008, Para. 7). The company will also campaign against obesity. According to Land (2008), the Pepsi Bottling Group has maintained significant environmental and ecological commitments. So far the company has been able to save over 300 million gallons of water, 1 6,000 tons of plastic, and has been able to offset 100% of the companys U. S. Electricity by making conscientious manufacturing technological and operations decisions. In a savvy public relations move, Pepsi includes in its marketing strategy the release of an environmental annual report to generate positive publicity about its commitment to citizenship, responsibility and ethics. After reviewing the Ackerman, Seem and Land articles, the writers view Of PepsiCo stance on social responsibility and ethics is positive. Pepsins efforts o consider the environment, increasing employment in oppressed countries, and taking on health initiatives bolsters the companys social image. Accuracy The Ackerman (2008) article quotes Pepsi CEO Annoy saying We are enormously confident in the continued prosperity of China. Confidence is found in this statement and confidence seems to have been used in the qualitative and quantitative data gathered to make the marketing decision to invest in China. When such a stance is taken and a company, in this economy, makes such a significant financial decision, the factual data outlined in the article can be concluded be fruitful. The article provides past examples of Pepsins ventures into foreign markets that provided SUcceSS and the statement that its business is driven by building platforms ahead of demand to some extent and continuing to support platforms even during times of economic weakness sums up the companys strategy because it shows the company properly plans ahead, using past successes as a foundation (Ackerman 2008). Seams (2008) article showed how the background and positive personal beliefs of PepsiCo CEO have flowed over into the positive marketing, manufacturing and socially responsible decisions of the company. The article also touched on the growing mentality of the United States and global market attitudes on important issues that make a global impact, including health and environment. Land (2008) reported specifically on the companys environmental efforts, which are beginning to shape the company for the future, which looks positive. Reporting specifically in numbers the results of Pepsins efforts to strive to be a company focused on citizenship, social responsible ¶/ and ethics help support the writers conclusions. Conclusion PepsiCo strives to remain one of the leading beverage and snack companies in the United States and abroad and takes into consideration the environmental factors, both domestic and global, that affect the companys marketing and business decisions. Pepsins plan to invest in the Chinese market will prove to be a successful venture due to past achievements in similar markets.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Role of Utmost Good Faith in Insurance Law Case Study

The Role of Utmost Good Faith in Insurance Law - Case Study Example This difference in approaches to contracts in the US and the UK will illustrate how the UK will uphold claims even if questionable on the strict guidelines of the contract and material fact; whereas the US relies more on the concept of good faith and how this applies to the material fact. The basis of Hansen Bancorp Inc et al v US is that the Court of Federal Claims had erred in its judgment and the breach of contract by the US government was total therefore the appellants of the Hanson Company were entitled to restitution on all counts. This decision stems from the question whether there has been a total breach of contract if there has been a total breach of contract restitution is available. The court decided there was a total breach because the US government had come to a contract and Hanson had committed its resources to fulfill its duties; however, the US government had failed to complete its obligations, therefore, fulfilling the criteria of a total breach of contractual obliga tion. This decision is primarily an exercise in the power of the contract and its adherence, which cannot be avoided even if the breaching party is the government. The case of Hansen Bancorp heavily relies on the adherence of the contract and contract law; whereby once the parties started to act on the contract then it is only fair that the other party follows through with their contractual obligations. This case does not fudge along the lines of what may not constitute the total breach of the contract.... judgement and the breach of contract by the US government was total therefore the appellants of the Hanson Company were entitled to restitution on all counts. This decision stems around the question whether there has been a total breach of contract, if there has been a total breach of contract restitution is available; however without total breach this remedy is not available. The court decided there was a total breach because the US government had come to a contract and Hanson had committed its resources by fulfilling its duties; however the US government had failed to complete its obligations therefore fulfilling the criteria of a total breach of contractual obligation. This decision is primarily an exercise in the power of the contract and its adherence, which cannot be avoided even if the breaching party is the government. The case of Hansen Bancorp heavily relies on the adherence of the contract and contract law; whereby once the parties started to act on the contract then it is only fair that the other party follows through with their contractual obligations. This case does not fudge along the lines of what may not constitute total breach of the contract. Rather the courts take a very logical and straightforward approach considering each part of the dealing to ensure that a total breach has occurred. The court identifies that a breach is an act or failure to act that impedes the fulfillment of the contract by one of the parties, where the other party has fulfilled their obligations or all the obligations they are able to prior to action by the other party. This approach ensures that the original contract is the most important factor in determining a breach and if the actions of a party are obviously impeding the contract then there is a breach of contract, i.e.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Russian Literature. Mikhail Bulgakov The Master and Margarita Essay

Russian Literature. Mikhail Bulgakov The Master and Margarita - Essay Example The essay â€Å"Manuscripts don’t burn† highlights the masterpiece of one of the best writers in Russia. The novel â€Å"The Master and Margarita† by Mikhail Bulgakov is considered to be one of the most enigmatic and peculiar literary masterpieces of not only Russian, but also World Literature. Bulgakov's work contains lots of expressions that subsequently become aphorisms. Mikhail Bulgakov, knowingly, put this sacramental phrase, "Manuscripts do not burn†, into the mouth of the devil. Woland was the first who witnessed the talk between the two writers that met the standards of so-called â€Å"true Soviet writer†. They were ignorant and shallow-minded people, trying to judge the things without understanding them. Lots of Soviet writers, whose literary heritage became available only after the adjustment or the USSR collapse, did not dare to keep their masterpieces in written, thus, they tried to memorize every chapter, every line, every word carefully . Any writer should be free in expressing his or her views and opinions. It was impossible to write creatively under the conditions of the totalitarian regime, when every word, every thought was subjected to the meticulous review of the Soviet literary critics. Bulgakov knew the feeling of pain because of your literary works being doomed to nonrecognition and neglect. The Master is the author’s impersonation. Master’s most horrible nightmares are Bulgakov’s nightmares; Master’s talent is Bulgakov’s talent. Decent work will find its decent reader, for â€Å"Manuscripts don’t burn†.

Leading and Managing in Nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leading and Managing in Nursing - Term Paper Example In the contemporary world, the success of healthcare practices and strategies is largely dependent on the leadership style employed. Consequently, the personal characteristics of the leader are imperative as he or she guides the process. As reiterated by NHS Leadership Academy (2013: 3), "The way we manage ourselves is a central part of being an effective leader". For instance, a leader ought to identify his or her strengths and weaknesses in order to make out how to engage his or her followers in nursing. It is worth noting that people respond to leadership in different ways and hence the leadership style adopted by the leader is imperative. The first stage of Gibbs reflective model is a description (Peate, 2013: n.p). Student nurses are faced by a lot of challenges and nurse leaders given the role of teaching them must apply effective methods of leadership. My role involves leading and teaching lower year student nurses how to do aseptic wound dressings. In the process of teaching student nurses, I observed that many of them had a habit of making excuses for poor performance, and also avoided responsibilities. In relation to the second stage of the Gibbs reflective model, which entails explication of feelings (Peate, 2013: n.p), I felt that the students needed to be more accountable of their actions and as a result shun away from giving excuses for their poor performance. Aseptic wound dressing requires a nurse to prepare well in order to avoid spreading infections to the wound (Nicol, Payne and Edwards, 2008: 1). The nurse students made me look bad and therefore I felt dejected. The third stage of the Gibbs reflective model is the evaluation (Peate, 2013: n.p). Personally, I felt that the student nurses were not doing their best in terms of following instructions. However, after discussing this issue with my colleagues, I found out that they were experiencing the same problems with their student nurses.  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The use of allegory in the Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran Essay

The use of allegory in the Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran - Essay Example The magical words of the Gita have been taken all around the world, and have inspired millions of people. Therefore, there can be little doubt as regards its efficacy, timeless relevance and of course, its wondrous, practical simplicity. The allegory, the wonderful symbolization of the world in all its colors - makes the song of God one of the greatest and most relevant works of religion. And this allegory can be seen in the Gita itself - a study of the entire epic is not even necessary! So, it is important to analyze and understand the reason for the Bhagavad Gita's strong influence on our minds - which can be properly done only by studying the beautiful allegory that is used in the poem. The entire Mahabharata is itself full of symbols, if we look deeply. Whether it is Dhritarashtra's blindness, Yudhishthira's flying chariot, a brotherhood of five Pandavas as compared to an ocean of a hundred Kauravas - all these strange characterizations and symbolizations carry a distinct meaning in themselves. The most prominent symbols, however, are the incarnation of Lord Krishna on the Earth, and his subsequent role as a charioteer to the Pandava Arjuna - who has been depicted as Nara (Man). It is commonly understood that the discourse given by Krishna to Arjuna is the only thing that comes close to an Allegory - being interpreted as God teaching man some important ideals (very much like the ten commandments!), but that is simply not true - The allegory can be seen and felt the moment Arjuna panics at the time of the commencement of battle - Man panics when he has to do his duty. And here, Man is Arjuna and his duty is to participate in this war. From this moment on, we can observe a great deal of wonderful and intelligent symbolization the great poet Veda Vyasa has hidden in the Gita. ".take me to the middle of the battlefield, my dear Krishna, so that I may observe the armies facing each other." - Thus did Arjuna plead with his charioteer (after the conch of the commencement of the battle was sounded!). "Middle of the battlefield" "My Dear Krishna" "may observe the armies facing each other" "after the conch of commencement of the battle was sounded" - have these questions ever been raised NEVER! But the entire soul of the poem's allegory is contained in these words. The moment Arjuna panicked, the Lord smiled. The very setting of the Gita and the conversation between Nara (Arjuna) and Narayana (Krishna) is too bizarre and eccentric for words - but that setting makes the song of God "Timeless". The "middle of the battlefield" is actually a point in everyone's life, when one has to make a crucial, life-changing decision. Arjuna wanted a clear view of both armies, and that could be done only when he could stand at the middle of the battlefield, impartially. The symbol "middle of the battlefield" actually teaches us just that - to be completely impartial while making an important decision. One should never be carried away by senseless and overwhelming

Conservatism in American Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conservatism in American Politics - Essay Example For instance, Farmer (2005) clarifies that after the struggle witnessed in the American Civil War where the North fought for the Union to stand while the South were in favor of intensifying slavery, the term conservative signified antagonism against the radical republicans with an intention of giving the freed slaves full citizenship rights (Glenn and Teles, 2009). On the other hand, within the Reconstruction Era, this term signified antagonism against Radical Republicans with an intention of giving the freed slaves political authority after snatching it from ex-confederates. For a long time now, the political history of America has been shaped considerably by conservatism. There are a number of constants that together, sum up the conservatism in American politics including the backing of the republicanism, Christianity and the rule of law, respect for customs, and the defense of westernization against challenges brought in by totalitarian governments and modernist culture (Durham, 2012). The conservative nature of American politics can be traced back to American history and this is very evident while comparing with other nations such as Britain. For instance, the American government is more incredulous of the state’s power stating that it should be left in the hands of an individual who then delivers it upward to the â€Å"government that is at the lowest level possible†. On the other hand, Britons are of the idea that authority starts above and trickles down through the positions. Additionally, Americans consider that the government is responsible for giving them the required freedom to pursue their objectives (Brinkley, 1994). Conservatives have for a long time supported Republicans because they believe they share similar views such as tough foreign policy, a powerful military and backing for Israel. It is important to emphasize that conservatism in American politics is characterized by conflicting ideologies and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The use of allegory in the Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran Essay

The use of allegory in the Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran - Essay Example The magical words of the Gita have been taken all around the world, and have inspired millions of people. Therefore, there can be little doubt as regards its efficacy, timeless relevance and of course, its wondrous, practical simplicity. The allegory, the wonderful symbolization of the world in all its colors - makes the song of God one of the greatest and most relevant works of religion. And this allegory can be seen in the Gita itself - a study of the entire epic is not even necessary! So, it is important to analyze and understand the reason for the Bhagavad Gita's strong influence on our minds - which can be properly done only by studying the beautiful allegory that is used in the poem. The entire Mahabharata is itself full of symbols, if we look deeply. Whether it is Dhritarashtra's blindness, Yudhishthira's flying chariot, a brotherhood of five Pandavas as compared to an ocean of a hundred Kauravas - all these strange characterizations and symbolizations carry a distinct meaning in themselves. The most prominent symbols, however, are the incarnation of Lord Krishna on the Earth, and his subsequent role as a charioteer to the Pandava Arjuna - who has been depicted as Nara (Man). It is commonly understood that the discourse given by Krishna to Arjuna is the only thing that comes close to an Allegory - being interpreted as God teaching man some important ideals (very much like the ten commandments!), but that is simply not true - The allegory can be seen and felt the moment Arjuna panics at the time of the commencement of battle - Man panics when he has to do his duty. And here, Man is Arjuna and his duty is to participate in this war. From this moment on, we can observe a great deal of wonderful and intelligent symbolization the great poet Veda Vyasa has hidden in the Gita. ".take me to the middle of the battlefield, my dear Krishna, so that I may observe the armies facing each other." - Thus did Arjuna plead with his charioteer (after the conch of the commencement of the battle was sounded!). "Middle of the battlefield" "My Dear Krishna" "may observe the armies facing each other" "after the conch of commencement of the battle was sounded" - have these questions ever been raised NEVER! But the entire soul of the poem's allegory is contained in these words. The moment Arjuna panicked, the Lord smiled. The very setting of the Gita and the conversation between Nara (Arjuna) and Narayana (Krishna) is too bizarre and eccentric for words - but that setting makes the song of God "Timeless". The "middle of the battlefield" is actually a point in everyone's life, when one has to make a crucial, life-changing decision. Arjuna wanted a clear view of both armies, and that could be done only when he could stand at the middle of the battlefield, impartially. The symbol "middle of the battlefield" actually teaches us just that - to be completely impartial while making an important decision. One should never be carried away by senseless and overwhelming

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Orange plc Financial Statement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Orange plc Financial Statement - Coursework Example The company’s return on equity ratio was 25% in 2014 and 8.74% in 2015. The return on equity ratio measures the company’s performance in earning return to its shareholders. Despite the company having a low ratio in 2015, it had significant high performance in 2014 by having a fair return to its shareholders. The return on assets was 3.21% in 2015 and 10.48% in 2014. The return on assets ratio measures the company’s performance in generating sufficient profits from its total assets. The company had a low ratio in 2015 desspite the high ratio it had in 2014. This showed a tremendous decline in the company’s performance. The maintenance of a 100% mark up between the two years was a desirable aspect of the company performance. There was a decline in the return on capital employed between the two years using the the two different methods of computing. This trend is undesirable and should be changed since it shows a decline in the company’s performance. The company’s current ratio was 2.05 in both 2014 and 2015. This ratio measures the company’s liquidity by determining the extent in which the company’s current assets can offset its current liabilities. The company maintains a current ratio that is above in both the two financial years implying that the company’s liquidity position is at a fair place since it can easily offset its current obligations with its current assets. The maintenance of this ratio is thus a positive indicator of the company’s liquidity position. The company’s quick ratio was 1.27% in 2014 and 1.31% in 2015. The quick ratio measures the company’s liquidity in a similar way like how the current ratio does but it does excludes the inventory from the current assets. There is exclusion of inventory from the current assets since it is not easily converted into cash like the other current assets. This means basing the company’s liquidity on inventory is

Cats Are Better Then Dogs Essay Example for Free

Cats Are Better Then Dogs Essay All of my childhood, I grew up with dogs.† A dog is man’s best friend.† That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend companionship people enjoy. For many people including myself a cat is their best friend. It wasn’t until I got my first cat that I realized how much better of a pet they are then dogs. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent house pets as they are good companions, they are more civilized, and they are much easier to care for. First of all, many people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are really affectionate. They will snuggle up and beg to be petted or scratch under their chin; as a result the cat will instantly start purring. Who can resist a purring cat? If they are not feeling affectionate cats are generally quite playful. They love to chase balls and feathers, or just about anything that dangles from a string. They especially enjoy playing when their owners are involved with game. Not to mention, cats are so much more independent. They can disappear for hours, having their own little adventures, and then pop up again just when you least expect it. Its like running into a long-lost friend on the street, but in your house. Also, it has been said that cats cannot be trained. I have a personally found this false and found that using rewards and punishments just like with a dog; in fact, a cat also can be trained to avoid unwanted behavior or perform tricks. Cats can and will even play fetch! Next, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make other loud noises. I have never once heard of neighbors complaining about my cat’s loud meows; in fact, most cats dont even meow very often. They do not feel a need to share their opinions with everyone around them they keep quit and do not bother with meowing at strangers. If a friend or relative enters your house your cat will keep to himself. They generally tend to lead a quiet existence. The only time cats tend to make noise is when they need to be feed or watered. For example, if a dog is hungry he will not let you know he simply expects the owner to remember and if the owner accidentally forgets the dog will go hungry. Cats, on the other hand, will meow and purr constantly until their owner finally has enough and remembers that they have to feed their cat. Cats also dont often have accidents or if any. Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats usually understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws and have been known to claw furniture; however, this is preventable with a scratch post, a scratch pad, or last resort the declawing of the cat. With these actions of owner the furniture will be left alone. Finally, one of the most attractive features of cats as house pets is their ease of care. Cats dont need anyone to get up in the middle of the night or in the wee hours of the morning to walk them. With a cat, owners have no need to leave their warm beds in 12 degree weather or heavy rain storms to take the cat for a walk and they do their business in the litter box. Owners find a great conveyance to cleaning the litter box as it is a quick, painless procedure. Cats also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never necessary because under ordinary circumstances cats clean themselves. Cats do not require baths due to the fact that cats clean themselves. For example, let’s say an individual has a busy day and when they come home and notice their dog smells horrific however they do not have time to bathe the dog so the individual is stuck with a smelly dog all day running around their house. Cats will simply lick themselves clean and do not do much to get smelly. Cats are more particular about personal cleanliness than what a lot of people are. In addition, cats can be left home alone for a few hours without fear of a stinky present on the expensive rug, or leave a puddle pee in the hallway. Unlike some pets (Dogs), most cats will not destroy the furnishings, or rip up the trash when left alone. They are content to go about their usual activities until their owners return. I could go on all day about how great cats are and anyone with sense can see that theyre simply the better pet, hands down. So, in conclusion, cats are clearly low maintenance, very civilized companions and self dependent. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal house pet.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender And Nature Of Walt Disney Film Studies Essay

Gender And Nature Of Walt Disney Film Studies Essay In the golden age of animation, Walt Disney was one of the famous animators in the industry who founded The Walt Disney Corporation. He was an American film director, producer, screenwriter, entertainer and entrepreneur. Most of Disneys work represents characters that embody racial, ethnic, and gender stereotypes, middle-class perspective and royalist ideology while focusing on themes like innocence, friendship, magic and fairytale. As Teresa de Lauretis point out the technology of cinema constructs gender, controlling the field of social meaning, creating representations that we negotiate and inhabit. Disneys representation of gender requires an understanding of the cultural hegemony conceptualization of real and ideal because it created subtle messages of acceptable social construct of men and women. Disneys trademark of innocence operates on a systematic sanitization of violence, sexuality, and political struggle concomitant with an erasure or repression of difference. Disney also used the anthropomorphism to satirize society or politics. Disneys ideology of fairy tale appeared in the first animated feature length film released in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was well-known as the first to use Technicolor cel animation, about 250,000 celluloid frames for each animated film. The film was allows some parts of each frame to be repeated from frame to frame, as layers upon layers of retelling, and in particular, a retelling of womans body. The exceptional woman treated in Elizabeth Bells essay locates the construction of gender within the material of production because they used live-action models for the characters and cinematic conventions of representing women. Each individual cel of film was hand-painted by women who creating indelible images of the feminine. A female character in Disneys film  is the inherent expectation to find happiness by falling in love and getting married with the prince.  Snow White character allows girls to have fairy-tales to dream of and hope for. Representations of women in Disney films are ultimately defined by male standards and goals without displaying their own independent desires separated from romantic relationships. This is due to the personal belief and attitude Walt Disney has towards how the family life is shaped and what roles women should play in society. During that time, the standards of contemporary beauty in Hollywood were young, pretty, white, graceful and slender. Disneys main female character moved along with these standards except for old female character and middle-aged women. Middle-aged women represented as femme fatales, dark, independent, treacherous and dressed on extravagant costumes. They usually played the roles of an evil stepmother who envied the younger heroine for her looks and ended up being defeated or killed. For old female characters are depicted as gray and wrinkled, clumsy, and frumpily dressed. Disneys representation of women is the treatments of the feminine life-cycle in hegemonic social disclose and stereotypes about womens bodies. Disney production films showed the ideals of nature conflict through their female protagonists where women are fully dependent on men and female characters are often shown as happy housewives. They set the standards for girls on how to grow up in order to find their prince; women are supposed to be skinny, beautiful, acquiescent, and perform duties of a housewife. They will not disobey direct orders and do not hold jobs of their own. Contemporary society believes that women need to be more independent through the film because it has a huge impact on young audience on how they see the world. They want Disney to show that women can take care of themselves, more independent, be leaders, have jobs and do not rely on men. They also want Disney to transform into equality of gender because most of their films show a male dominated outlook. Feminists concerned about perception of the world and values about the point of view on young children especially girls to watch for unhealthy look of th e physical attributes along with the values supporting male dominance. As gender is a prevalent topic amongst Disney films, representation of nature can also be illustrated within these films In Bambis film, released during World War II, the film still used Technicolor cel animation but the goal was to obtain a highly realistic look than the previous productions. Bambi is one of the most acclaimed classics productions of the history of traditional animation. Each individual shows detail of nature; for instance, in the open scene we saw the shadow of sunlight which represents the morning hours. There was a scene involving two autumn leaves conversing and eventually dying by falling to the ground, but the artist found that talking flora didnt work in the context of the film and instead used a visual metaphor of two realistic leaves falling to the ground. There was a scene of Bambi stepping on an ants nest and showing all the devastation that he caused, but it was cut for pacing reason. Walt Disney attempted to achieve realistic detail in this animated film. He had Rico LeBrun, a painter of animals, come and lecture to the animators on the structure and movement of animals. A small zoo was also established at the studio so animators could study other animals, like rabbits, ducks, owls, and skunks, at close range. The animators learned a lot about animals during the films production that they would utilize in future projects. Animators now had a broader spectrum of animation styles, from the wider stylization of Mickey Mouse to the naturalistic look and realistic movement of t he characters in Bambi. Disney used Anthropomorphism to represent anti-hunter and politics by using non-human characteristics to display an object or abstract concepts. Anthropomorphism ascribes human motivation, characteristics or behavior to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals or natural phenomena. The whole movie dealt with nature that was interrupted by human but the film did not show any human in the entire film. David Payne also sees a script written in this film which represents the realism of nature. Bambi is a story about the birth and maturation of a young male; the son of the stag who rules the forest and his mother who was killed by man. Disney uses animals to attract children because they are innocence and authentic. Also have the ability to retreat to a world of their own by using their imagination where human can be evil and dangerous to nature. In the scene that Bambi mother gets shot and forest burn down represent the evil side of human. Disneys films maintain power of relation between hegemony and ideology in our culture to justify social groups based on race, gender, age, and ethnicity. Other uses of the concept grasp ideology as justifying the actions of all groups of people so that marginal and subordinate groups also have ideologies in the sense of organizing and justifying ideas about themselves and the world, Barker Chris stated about understanding of ideology. The narratives of media culture offer patterns of proper and improper behavior, moral messages, and ideological conditioning, sugar-coating social and political ideas with pleasurable and seductive forms of popular entertainment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Food in Afghanistan :: essays research papers

Food in different countries can be very interesting. There are many different practices and preparations for different styles of food. In Afghanistan, everything is repaired by the woman. This is due to the fact that in their country, women are of a lesser value then men. This is all changing as the country is being reborn after that unfortunate incident involving Asamu Bin Laden. In Afghanistan, Afghans are under Islamic laws and controlled in all aspects of life. Most of them are divided into clans and groups who follow centuries-old customs and religious practices. For Afghans, Shab-Barat is a time for them to give bread and sweets, such as Halvah, to the poor. They do this to honor their god Allah. Also, they light off fireworks in his name. Before sitting down and enjoying a meal in Afghanistan, you may find yourself preying to their god and thanking them for your meal, relative to what most families do here in America. So far that I have read, Afghans usually use their fingers or some sort of sharp object to pick up their food and eat it. I know it sounds barbaric, but I can see how it would be hard to be civilized in that country. Being under the rule that they were and then being bombed. Life in Afghanistan must be low quality as of now. Afghanistan lately has been trying to establish a government and fix their broken culture which needs heavy mending. Afghan Chicken Recipe Amount  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Measurement  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ingredient  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preparation Method 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  large  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cloves garlic  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1/2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  teaspoon  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  salt  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cups  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  plain whole-milk yogurt  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  tablespoons  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  juice and pulp of 1 large lemon  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1/2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  teaspoon  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cracked black pepper  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  large  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  whole chicken breasts  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  about 2 pounds Long, slow marinating in garlicky yogurt tenderizes, moistens and adds deep flavor, so you end up with skinless grilled chicken that's as delicious as it is nutritionally correct. Serve with soft pita or Arab flatbread and fresh yogurt. Put the salt in a wide, shallow non-reactive bowl with the garlic and mash them together until you have paste. Add yogurt, lemon and pepper. Skin the chicken breasts, remove all visible fat and separate the halves. Bend each backward to break the bones so the pieces win lie flat.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ulysses Essay: William Blake’s Influence on Joyce’s Ulysses

William Blake’s Influence on Joyce’s Ulysses      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stephen Dedalus is a poor schoolteacher.   Poor in the sense that he lives in a one-room tower and eats nothing all day, sure, but poor mainly in the sense that he is a rotten instructor. You, Cochrane, what city sent for him? Tarentum, sir. Very good.   Well? There was a battle, sir. Very good.   Where? The boy's blank face asked the blank window. [1]      He grills his students in much the same way his first teachers drilled him; stands before them inspiring fear and boredom.   He understands the schoolroom and its small miseries.   The form is tried and true: the catechism, call and response.   Cochrane replies automatically to Stephen's barked interrogatives but his mind is elsewhere.   The window, the unknown.   Our hero Stephen's sympathies lie that way too:    Fabled by the daughters of memory.   And yet it was in some way if not as memory fabled it.   A phrase, then, of impatience, thud of Blake's wings of excess, I hear the ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry, and one livid final flame.   What's left us then?   (Joyce 20).    These are not the well-measured words of a history instructor.   Actually, they're largely the words of William Blake.   The "daughters of memory" figure in "A Vision of the Last Judgment", "Fable or Allegory is Form'd by the daughters of Memory." [2]  Ã‚   Stephen muses on the figure of Pyrrhus, the Tarentenian general who won a foolish victory and died a foolish death   (Gifford 30).   Write faster.   I mean it.   Fast!   The Tarentines succumbed to the Romans in the end, overcome by their greater numbers.   The Battle of Asculum drained them financially.   Hardly romantic stuff.   But Stephen imagines ... ...thetically (and with great enthusiasm). [2] This connection was made by Frank Gifford in Ulysses Annotated.   Maybe I ought to properly cite it later   (30). [3] I will deal with this later. [4] This information is basically culled from the short editor's introduction to the piece on Blake in The Critical Writings of James Joyce.   There is no credit, however.   I'll deal with this later too.   That's the kind of thing it's ok to wait until Friday to do. [5] James Joyce. "[William Blake]".   The Critical Writings of James Joyce, ed. Ellsworth Mason, Richard Ellmann.   New York: Viking Press, 1959 (221).   Hereafter cited parenthetically. [6] Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Joyce was lecturing in Italian.   Just a possibility. [7] Joyce gets most of his information on Blake's life from The Real Blake by Edwin Ellis (London, 1907).   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication Strategies Team Assignment

The team at Health and Wellness America will develop a 4-point communication model to reach and effectively convey information to the four major generations. Our company will use four primary tools: coherence, consistency, continuity, and complimentary, along with the understanding the importance of connecting with the target audience. We will also provide Phoenix Health Systems with multiple examples of successful industries that have been able to leverage transparency, along with a plan to apply those transparencies to your strategy. Communication Strategies for Different GenerationsDetermining the target audience and what information we are trying to convey IS essential to communicating effectively. Once the target audience is identified, the method of communication can be established. The target audience for new diabetes clinic within a hospital will be anyone who suffers from diabetes or has family and friends with diabetes. Different methods of communication will be imperative because of the wide range of people diabetes affects. Diabetes can strike anyone from any background, ethnicity, age, gender, and socioeconomic status.Health education and social arresting are the two major types of communication that will have the largest impact on such a large and unspecified audience. Education is an essential component of action to promote health and prevent disease. Campaigns, to promote healthy lifestyles and preventative health services, have been a fundamental tool since the sass's (Nutmeat, 2000). Promotions are appealing to the older generations, such as the baby boomers, who still investigate reading materials such as pamphlets and medical literature in the waiting areas of their primary care providers. Understanding differences teen the generations is fundamental in building a communication model that is not only effective, but efficient (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, 2014). For each generation, there are particular experiences that mold speci fic preferences, expectations, and beliefs (Sloshes, 2012). Traditionalists: are indirect communicators, and respect a more traditional approach and often do not respond well to the jargon used to attract other generations.Communicating with this generation may require some probing and will need some written communication to aid them. This generation will also require some face-to-face approaches to help gain their trust, loyalty, and understanding. It is important to make traditionalist feel comfortable by communicating in a formal manner that is respectful and serious (Sloshes, 2012). They do not respond well to sales pitches. The use of newspapers, television, radio, community mailers and other written communication will be a beneficial when communicating a message to large groups of traditionalist.Baby Boomers: This generation has some characteristics of the traditionalist generation; however, they possess ample knowledge Of tech oenology but would refer a more personal style of communication over an impersonal approach. Baby boomers do not like feeling like they are being told what to do; they would rather have detailed information to help them make the decision on their own (Sloshes, 2012). Baby boomers tend to need both traditional and non-traditional forms of communication to communicate information effectively.Generation X: This generation prefers online forms of communication and interaction. E-mail is the preferred medium. Generation X will also want to ask questions so using electronic forums, blobs, tutorials, ND other online tools, this will be an excellent strategy for communicating (Sloshes, 2012). Generation Y: This generation is very high tech and responds well to social media (Sloshes, 2012). Illusionist about every form of electronic communication tool will be a useful asset when addressing Generation Y.This generation does not accept just one main source of information, they prefer to do research and establish facts through other outlets. We can also expand our education via social media and networking sites such as WebMD and other online medical journals. Interactive communication such as lately eating demonstrations and health and fitness expos in the community will appeal to the younger generation while also allowing the target audience to be more proactive about the treatment and maintenance of diabetes.Reaching Targeted Audiences Our company will use four primary tools: coherence, consistency, continuity, and complimentary, along with understanding the importance of connecting with the target audience. Coherence: Media is the logical thought when trying to spread the word about the clinic opening and why patient should seek treatment for diabetes. When targeting the traditionalist and baby boomer enervation' social media will not be the main form of communication. While their loved ones from the X and Y Generation rely heavily on the use social media as their primary form of communication.Older generations tend to respond positively to television advertisements, pamphlets, and print ads. When using those forms of communication it will be important to show risks, concerns, complications, statistics, and what sets the new facility apart from other diabetes clinics. Younger audiences will respond more positively to information displayed on social media. The message to younger generations ill need to place an emphasis on cost, signs and symptoms, and treatment increasing quality of life.It will also be important that other relatable electronic resources are provided, so the more tech savvy audiences can conduct research and ask relevant questions. Consistency: It is crucial to be consistent when delivering the hospital's mission and vision through multiple communication channels. Continuity: Conveying a message of continuity will give the targeted audience reassurance and confidence in the services being provided. Complimentary: using the different avenues across multiple littorals of social m edia, print, and television advertisements will help grow a wider audience.Hosting community events and wellness checks will also promote brand recognition and trust among the community. Leveraging Transparency Today's healthcare is complex; it involves leveraging population health programs to make a greater impact on the community health issues (EACH, 2013). Some healthcare industries have launched diabetes program successfully with a push towards transparency. Examples of such industries or organizations include: Gosling Diabetes Center, Inc. , Good SamaritanHospital, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Leapfrog Group, Health Consumer Powerhouse, the University of Miami and Vanderbilt University. Northwest Memorial Hospital: Northwest Memorial is committed to meeting the health needs of Chicago, as well as the community surrounding it for 150 years. Northwest Memorial Hospital has also partnered with community healthcare organization for the last 40 years. Teamwork has aided the successful tackling of the health needs of the community including chronic diseases such as diabetes, helping to munch the Diabetes Collaborative Program.This comprehensive program initially started with 200 patients in 2006, through a collaborative effort of Northwestern Memorial, the School of Medicine at Northwestern University Fingers, as well as the Near North Health Services Corp. (NM, 2012). The goal of the program is to identify and educate adult type two diabetic patients about disease management. The program currently tracks over 4,000 diabetics currently engaged in routine examinations and care. It provided materials for health education in English as well as Spanish.The materials re designed to increase patients' understanding regarding the disease, proper eating habits, diet, as well as the significance of routine checkups (NM, 2012). Vanderbilt University: Vanderbilt program aims to improve chronic disease management, high-ris k transition, care coordination as well as high- cost patients, who have diabetes, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. Most of the patients are Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries who live in 18 urban and rural counties in Kentucky and Tennessee. It is funded with $1 8,846,090 and the estimated savings within three years is $27,269,705.To improve the management of disease, Vanderbilt has built inter-professional health teams as well as improved health information technology (HIT) which includes disease registries and clinical workflow involving an evidence-based decision support. This has increased communication and care planning. The resulting outcome has been; improved coordination of care, reduced hospital admissions, as well as readmission and emergency room calls and visits (SMS, n. Applying Transparency There are five simple steps to apply transparency successfully in the new diabetes program much like other organizations have.The first step is to increase staff knowle dge and confidence. The second step is to provide physicians and nurses with guidelines for diabetes management. The third step is to improve education and clinical management for inpatient and outpatient clients. The fourth step is to establish interdisciplinary teams. The team's specific activities include the establishment of diabetes care goals, clinical staff education, and quality improvement activities designed to evaluate diabetes management. The final step is to develop a marketing team to communicate the clinics services and healthcare opportunities.Conclusion The process of successfully launching a new diabetes clinic will continue long after the clinic open and fully functional. Communication strategies will need to be in place for many different circumstances. Over the course of roughly 12-18 months, Phoenix Health Systems will be aided by Health and Wellness of America to institute the 4-point communication model to reach and effectively convey information to the four major generations. The use of coherence, consistency, continuity, and complimentary communication strategies will help deliver information to the masses in the most efficient and reentrant way possible. 2 nt Needs. NTfneeds

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My First Morning At School

It was the 17th March 1997. My first day of school. I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 am. I went to the toilet to wash my face, where I saw a big red spot on my forehead: that was the first sign of bad luck. I heard my mum coming out of her room:, â€Å"Are you ready for your big day?† â€Å"No†, I moaned anxiously, pretending to be sick. â€Å"You are going to school today, so don't even try it!†. My mum could see right through me, and knew I wasn't sick. I was really scared as I stepped through the front gates of what was about to be my new school, counting every step I took. My mum led me to the general office; we were 20 minutes late. I was really scared. I started to shake. My heart started beating twice as fast. I knew all of the children were already inside the classroom. They were going to watch every move I made. We were kept inside the office for about half an hour. Shortly after came a frightening old women with grey hair, who looked remarkably like Cinderella's step mother. She came in and said to my mother, â€Å"Are you Miss Omar?† â€Å"Yes†, my mum said, sounding like a robot boring and repetitive, a blank expression on her face. â€Å"Come follow me. Right this way,† the women said, very happily. My mum and I followed her as she led us to my new classroom. She opened the door really slowly, causing the old and rotten door to make a terrifying noise. This attracted all the students' attention. I was really embarrassed as I stood outside of the classroom. She went in and called the leading classroom teacher outside for a moment, to have a word with my mum. I was told to introduce my mother and myself, and teacher introduced herself; her name was Ms.Willis. I went inside the classroom with my teacher. Even though I was taller than most of them I felt as though I was surrounded by giants. Ms. Willis told everyone to sit on a nasty dirty carpet that had chewing gum all over it, which was at the back of the classroom, and told me to introduce myself to introduce myself to everyone. We were told to sit in alphabetical order: I was told to sit next to three girls. I was really nervous because they kept on looking at my forehead. I got really angry, and said, â€Å"Stop it!† in a really deep and angry voice. They were shocked and had puzzled expressions. My teacher came to me with a blank exercise book and a reading book, â€Å"Can you read?† I nodded my head knowing little of what she meant. â€Å"Read this book for me†, Ms. Willis said. I read the book with an awkward accent. She gave me the exercise book and told me to write my name, maths and 5W, because that was my class's name. It was 12:00 pm. My teacher shouted out, â€Å"Stop what you are doing and line up outside†. I followed everyone as they stopped and lined up outside, and stood at the back of the line. My teacher came out locked the door and led us to this big shiny stairwell. It was so clean and shiny you could see your reflection on the floor. I stepped inside the stairwell: it was reeking of expired food. Every step I took, the smell was getting worse and worse. We finally got inside the dinner hall. It was big: there were 14 long tables inside it. You would have to be quiet to get your lunch but my table was noisy so we didn't get to go first. We eventually got there I felt humiliated by the food the school was offering. It looked like food that was cooked yesterday. That was the final humiliation of the day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Katherine Philips and her Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Katherine Philips and her Works - Essay Example Philips detached herself from Presbyterian traditions and admired the king and his church policy. Katherine’s mother married a Welshman called Hector Philips after the death of his father John Fowler. When Katherine was sixteen years old, she married James Philips a Welsh parliamentarian in 1647. James Philips was said to be fifty-four years old. However, there was little conflict between Katherine and her husband on political issues in that Katherine was a royalist and James was a supporter of Oliver Cromwell. This division is recorded in her poetry works. Katherine spent most of her time in London through her husband continued to reside in Wales. Her husband encouraged her literary creativity. Katherine had two children a daughter a son. Katherine founded the society of friends, which originated from the cult in Neoplatonic love imported by Henrietta Maria in 1630 where members acquired pseudonyms from French romances of cavalier dramas. Katherine Philips borrowed these ideas and dramatized it in her society of friendship. The society of friendship existed between 1651 and 166. This society helped Katherine to establish a standard in literary skills for generations as she managed to establish herself as a model for female writers after her death. She was regarded as the apostle of female friendship and this attached great respect to her name. Katherine Philip’s home became the center of the group. Actually, she wrote one hundred and sixteen poems, completed five verse translations, and translated two plays by Pierre Corneille from the French between 1606 and 1684. Her plays were produced in public theaters in both London and Dublin becoming the first female dramatists to have her works produced in public. Phillips did not receive any payment for her work, unlike Alpha Behn who is the first woman to write for the English stage as a professional. Anne Owen was the most important female member of the circle of friendship. She was known as Lucasia in  Philips’s poems.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Benefits of having a personal disaster kit Essay

Benefits of having a personal disaster kit - Essay Example In other words, if you fail to coordinate precautionary measures prior to the occurrence of a disaster, you are prepared to handle the consequences. In cases like these, it is important to be prepared as being prepared can make a difference between life and death. In a disaster medical assistance is also often slowed, as emergency crews must focus on the victims of the disaster. Banks and other businesses might be closed, affecting a family's ability to withdraw money to pay bills and buy groceries Possessions are not hard to replace, as many people keep insurance on their property and tangible goods. The emotional toll of natural disasters is much more devastating. The death of a loved one may be the worst-case scenario but it's not the only lasting emotional effect victims experience. Whole communities may be displaced, separating friends and neighbors; victims face anxiety and depression as they wonder if it could happen again. In extreme cases, they may experience post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (Cited from Life throws the unexpected at us every day. It is difficult to predict how a disaster will be. The effects of a disaster can be lessened if preparations are made ahead of time. One of the most important steps to being prepared for a disaster is having a personal disaster kit. Your personal disaster kit should include; water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies and special items such as medication. Water should be stored in plastic containers such as soft drink bottles and store at least three gallons of water per person to serve for at least a three day period. Store at least a three day supply of non-perishable food items, food for infants and spices, vitamins or stress foods. It is far better to select foods that are compact and light weight such as ready to eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables and canned juices. Your disaster kit should also include a first aid kit. This kit should include; ban dages and pins, sterile adhesive bandages, roller bandages, sterile gauze, cleansing soaps and agents and non-prescription drugs like antacid, anti-diarrhea and pain killers. Paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, emergency preparedness manuals, battery operated radio with extra batteries, plastic storage containers, waterproof matches, flash lights stored with batteries inserted backwards, toilet paper, personal hygiene products, plastic garbage bags and household chlorine bleach are also among the many essentials for your personal disaster kit. It is important to store your kit in a convenient place with smaller versions of it in your car. Ensure all items are kept in air tight plastic bags. Finally replace the stored food and water in your kit every six months. Every year people are affected by disasters. Lives are lost, property is destroyed and personal effects lost to the unforgiving aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters. The saddest part of such devastation is th at most of it could have been averted with the proper preparation. Being prepared does not mean that one won't incur any loss, however, if one prepares properly, it can save lives, homes and personal affects. Proper preparation can also make recovery and dealing with insurance companies and government entities exponentially easier. Once a disaster

Monday, October 7, 2019

Assess and explain the importance that human rights have attained Essay

Assess and explain the importance that human rights have attained within international law - Essay Example At a global level, the international human rights law is the body entrusted in keeping and promoting these statutes internationally, regionally and even nationally. The United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Human Rights Council is the only universally recognized entity that exerts jurisdiction on human rights issues. Countries adhere to international law by consenting to at least partially acquiescent to international law or jurisdiction according to the 1920 Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. This and subsequent statutes comprise the various international treaties, declarations, and guidelines that constitute the international human rights instruments. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 form the basis of most of these human rights instruments, which have generated various international and regional instruments that guide the international laws on human rights (UNHCHR, 2009) [s ee Table 1]. Although there is no principal body entrusted with enforcing international human rights, several judicial entities exist including the International Criminal Court (ICC), which presides over war crimes and genocide, the European Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that normally work under the guidance of the UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR, 2009). At state level, 110 countries have set up National Human Rights Commissions to monitor and promote human rights. In many developed western countries particularly the United States, the notion of human rights has developed over time but can be traced to the influence of British political theorist John Locke who ascribed to the view of natural rights of an individual. The US Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights have thus emphasised the importance of individual and collective rights. Western